Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Alternative Healing Treatments

Reiki is actually a complimentary treatment rather than an alternative treatment.

A Complimentary treatment is something we do in addition to evidence based medicine that works together with medicine but does not replace it.

An Alternative treatment is something we do instead of evidence based medicine.
Reiki always seeks to work with and compliment existing medical modalities, it does not attempt to replace them.

While Reiki is technically a Complimentary treatment it would fall under Alternative Medicine. This is not because it replaces traditional medicine. In the United States anything that is not evidence based medicine tends to be lumped in with the title of Alternative Medicine.

For the sake of less confusion I will refer to Reiki here as Alternative based energy healing.

While conventional medicine treats the body, often the mind and spirit are left unattended. It is here that Alternative treatments or modalities shine. We all know the effects of stress on the human body.

Below are some of the effects although certainly not all of them:

Bereavement : Decreased lymphocyte proliferation.
Pessimistic states: Decreased lymphocyte reactivity; decreased T-cell effectiveness.
Academic stress: Decreased NK cell activity; decreased T-cells; decrease in certain immune chemicals; increased susceptibility to herpes virus; decreased immunoglobulin A; increased blood levels of Epstein-Barr virus.
Depression: Decreased T-cells; decreased number and function of lymphocytes; decreased NK cells.

In contrast to this we can see the effects of a relaxed or positive state of mind:
Satisfying personal relationships and social support.: Increased lymphocyte function; increased NK activity; increased immunity by nitrogen tests; increased immune response to hepatitis B vaccine.
Personal sharing and disclosure of traumatic experiences: Increased lymphocyte response.
Humor and laughter: Increased Immunoglobulin A; increased lymphocyte count and activity.
Hypnosis and relaxation techniques.: Increased T-cell effectiveness; increased NK cell activity; decreased blood levels of stress hormones; decreased blood levels of herpes virus.

From this we can see that what we feel or think has profound effects on our bodies. What we think and feel have far reaching effects on our physical bodies. There is a profound relationship between the mind and the body. It is fairly clear that negative emotions or thoughts produce a fight or flight response in the body. The more negative the energy invested in mind, it appears the more profound the effect will be on the body.

The benefits of Alternative Healing such as Reiki is that it can promote harmony of mind, which will then promote wellness of the body. Some of the benefits of Reiki can or may include:

1)Increased Energy Levels
2 Increased Mental Clarity
3)Personal Ability to Grow
4)A Sense of Calm or Balance
5) Emotional Healing & Stability
6)Clearing & Balancing of Chakras
7)Can Provide Relief from Chronic Pain
8 Boosts & Strengthens the Immune System
9)Compliments & Supports Conservative Medical Treatment
10)Helps to Deal with Suppressed or Blocked Emotions & Feelings
11)Reduces Stress, Tension, Anxiety, & General Emotional Distress

Reiki is unique as an Alternative healing method. Reiki can only work for the best and highest good of the person receiving it. Rather than do harm, Reiki will simply stop functioning. Reiki is a non invasive, calming modality. It derives it’s healing from the Universal Source which is Agape Love. It is completely nonreligious in nature. It accepts the person in whatever state they are in, always seeking for the highest and best resolution for that person mentally, spiritually and physically.

1 comment:

Ian Stone - Founder Metaphysical Institute said...

Thank you I like that term complimentary as this describes the benefits of all Energy Healing

With Love
Ian Stone – Founder of HEART Energy Healing System,
Human Energy Assessment Release Treatments
Metaphysical Institute
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