Friday, December 26, 2008

In times of shaking

In this time of extreme shaking, it seems as even our very foundation is shifting. Everything we have known, all the things we have counted on seems like so much sand sifting between our fingers.

As Americans we have tended to define ourselves by what we can accomplish in our lifetimes, and what we can accrue. In this time of economic upheaval we no longer have the same luxuries, and the job market has become dismal and difficult.

The question then becomes what are we without the things that have come to define us? If due to the failing job market we are no longer physician, pharmacist, auto dealer, realtor, etc, who and what are we and what defines us?

Reiki in these times can help us to ground and breath and find out exactly who and what we are without all the trappings that we have allowed to define us. It helps us to get to our source, and to our center. It brings strength and the ability to focus into the current chaos. Reiki can help as well with stress induced problems brought on by the climate of worry and fear around us. While the tumult rages around us, we can be in the center of it with both peace and clarity.

Not only can Reiki help us define ourselves, it can help us to reach out to be a center of grounding and a place of comfort. We can give hope, a sense of purpose by standing in the gap as it were allowing Reiki to calm and assure ourselves and others.

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