Robin Littlefeather Hannon, Heather Jovenal, Kathleen McLaughlin, Jill Johnson and Steve Ayton (l to r) perform pro bono Massage and Reiki on family members at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial event October 2 in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
A Be Well Frederick Program of Intention
One Heart, Many Hands offers Healing Therapies
"One Heart Many Hands" is an outrreach effort of Be Well Frederick led by Massage Therapist and Advisory Board member Kathleen McLaughlin. one Heart, May Hand's intention is to organize practitioners to offer massage, energy work, acupuncture and more on a pro bono (free) basis to those who would otherwise never receive the benefits of this healing.
Practitioner volunteers met the needs of both individuals and orgainzations last quarter in its very first days of existence. Pictured above, practitioners offer healing therapies to members of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation at the annual memorial gathering at the National Firefighter Academy in Emmitsburg, which honors the firefighters that have lost their lives that year in the line of duty. It is also a weekend of support for the families that come from around the country and are grieving their loved ones. Those who received healing sessions were wonderfully grateful and left with a lighter heart.
But One Heart, Many Hands is manifested today by the efforts of only a few. The load is ever so muc lighter with more hands and the work is rewarding on many levels. If you are one of our many Healing Arts Practitioners, please consider an hour, or a day to join us in bringing your touch to those hearts that are calling.
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