Taught exclusively by Dr. Harold Bob and Robin Littlefeather for the purpose of transitioning between life and death.
We observe that the spiritual need at the end of life is of a special vibrational quality, and reflect on the special needs of persons near death. In assisting a dying patient accomplish what Reiki Masters have referred to as "transition," we perceive the capacity to channel energy of a special and pure vibrational quality which we refer to as Upekkha Reiki (c).
Barbara Ray began her book, "The Reiki Factor" (1983) "Every day of your life represents an opportunity for a new beginning. Every breath you take is a rebirth, drawing in a new round of air connecting you to the universal vibrations of that particular moment. Exhaling is a letting go or a releasing of what has now become the past, and the new breath again keeps you in the "here now" - the eternal present."
Yet, at the moment of death, or transition, there is no next heartbeat, no next breath, only what his Holiness the Dalai Lama refers to as "mind or consciousness" which "comes into being as a result of its previous instants."
In the Western World, Traditional Medicine is split from Spiritual Healing, with assumptions that do not recognize the universal connections that touch all human beings. The successes in treatment that occur due to medication that is "evidence based," and due to Spiritual Healing, both are gifts from the same source, and should be used in a complimentary way.
Sogyal Rinpoche writes,("The Tibetan Book of the Living and Dying") "For all its technological achievements, modern Western society has no real understanding of death or what happens in death or after death ....people today are taught to deny death, and taught that it means nothing but annihilation and loss. That means that most of the world either lives in denial of death or in terror of it."
It is in response to this reality, that we in Traditional Medicine who wish to Care when we cannot Cure, must be aware of the power of the attunement to Upekkha Reiki (c), and, the assistance we can bring by channeling this specific vibrational energy.
Upekkha translates roughly as, Equanimity or "evenness of mind even under stress." However it can encompass much more. Ven. Nyanaponika Thera (http://www.buddhanet.net/ss06.htm) describes equanimity as "perfect unshakable balance of mind rooted in insight." He notes that, "to the degree that we forsake "mine" or "self" Equanimity will enter out hearts. Such is the capacity of Upekkha Reiki (c) to assist the patient near death ("transition"), by channeling Spiritual energy that brings an unshakable calm, and in the stressful time before the severing of the bond between the consciousness and the body, prepares the soul to evolve forward, rather than to be held back by fear.
We view this symbol, visualized in our mediations, as powerful in symbolizing the Master level of the channeling of Upekkha Reiki (c). The tree is seen by us as the Bodi Tree, and the falling leaves remind us of all that holds us back, fear of pain, fear of the death to self and to ego, and trepidation at moving forward and evolving. As leaves fall we stand more bare and more exposed to the universal spirit. We see the spiritual energy of the Buddha, but not the embodiment of the Buddha, beckoning us from within the dying tree, offering to be our ascendant guide. The light that shines through is the universal light, that which connects us all, and which we are gifted to channel through Reiki. It is when we find the quiet humble place that the universal spirit can shine within us and we can transition. The channeled gift of Upekkha Reiki (c) can assist in smoothing the vibration of the dying person, and allow the soul to evolve and to be transformed into more than we can envision in our current state.
While the traditional Reiki positions are useful in Hospice for the relief of pain, and the normal channeling of spiritual energy, over the years when i have experienced the flow of Upekkha Reiki (c) energy it has been through the Crown Chakra. It is not always feasible to place a hand on the Crown Chakra, but, a single hand touching the head of the client between the patient's Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra, is the best placement for the channeling of Upekkha Reiki (c) energy. Near the end of life, the body is often failing and emaciated . While as a physician i may need to examine the body, in doing Reiki, the comfort of the patient and the family in this moment does not require it. As the consciousness is preparing to leave the body, the need to unify all the Chakras is no longer as critical, and, the opening of the Crown Chakra allows the channeling of Spiritual Energy most useful for Equanimity and for transition. Prior to death, we see the bodily functions of the Root, second and third Chakras, shutting down. With death, the heart ceases beating, and respirations occurring in the chest and through the throat, stop. The Medical Personnel perceive death as occurring at that moment, however, as a final step, the spirit departs the body through the Crown Chakra. The beautiful transition of the spirit can be perceived by the attuned Reiki practitioner. Depending on the grounding and attunement of the practitioner, this can be an uplifting and beautiful experience, but, it can if faced with fear and without adequate grounding, leave perceptions of disorientation and fear.
During this time of transition it is important that the Practitioner remain grounded and in prayer. Reverence and respect for this process is extremely important. By being a facilitator of the transition between life and death, we are stepping out as it were of the realm of life temporarily. In the capacity of facilitator we are in effect holding that person’s spiritual hand as they transition out of their body. Deep grounded breathing, staying focused, and remembering to shield our own spirits will be of tantamount importance as we do this. We cannot allow fear to take hold at any point, as fear is simply negative faith. We have what we manifest, and what we want to manifest is peace and the Spiritual Energy of Equanimity. In order to manifest this, we first have to have this same spirit working within and without of ourselves.
We offer a symbol that we attune to for the basic level of Upekkha Reiki (c) that represents our connection to the Universal Spirit, our grounding to Gaia, and Cho ku rei at both our wrists to allow energy that has entered through our own Crown to pass into the client, but, to prevent the passing of invasive energy retrograde into the Reiki practitioner. It is important that the flow of energy through our own Chakras be unified, grounded and without fear. We are not ourselves intended to treat or interfere with the transition of the "consciousness," but simply to act as a Channel for the Upekkha energy which assists in this transition.
While we present in this essay, our Master symbol, it ought not be used without attunement to the Master level of Upekkha Reiki (c), and, the basic level symbol ought not be used without attunement to the basic level of Upekkha Reiki.
The Reiki practitioner who with humility is able to serve in such a moment, is her/himself vibrationally transformed, and will never be the same.
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