Monday, May 19, 2008

When we channel

By Robin Littlefeather and Dr. Harold Bob

When one channels, and calls upon a spirit, it is important to be able to intuitively know the difference between a spirit with a compassionate intent, and one who is tainted by less than our highest good, or perhaps one sent to test us.
Channeling is a powerful tool, that like the control of fire is a part of the human evolution. A fire can, used properly create warmth and light, and lead to physical energy that enhances civilization. Used wrongfully, or allowed to get out of control, fire can destroy homes, take lives, and ultimately ravage whole cities, as occurred at Hiroshima.

So we need to determine the intent of the spirits that we encounter when we channel. The way I test any spirit is I simply ask it, "Do you believe that the Creator is Holy, Righteous, Creator Father/Mother who we should love and serve?" Spirits that are not of Creator will not acknowledge Him/Her.
In fact and I've seen this personally, they will get outraged. If we then know to test the information once we know where that information is coming from, and genuine then there is no issue. And we should look with our own intuition to determine if the intent of what we receive is filled with respect and compassion, or will lead to denial of Creator, and oppression and subjugation of souls that he created.

I believe that Creator has shown Himself/Herself in many different faces and forms , I do not believe Creator wishes for any soul to die separate from Him/Her. I believe that Buddha, Jesus, Vishnu, and other Holy Ascendant beings are all manifestations of Creator. I believe that Creator meets people at the point of their understanding, so if it takes becoming Buddha, or manifesting that part of Creator which is Buddha, I believe that Creator will do that. I see Creator as loving And He/She would not want any of His/Her children spiritually bankrupt.
Since God creates each child with love, she/he would not want any child to lack a pathway to his grace, and thus even if we do not understand why, it is Creator's will that he created many pathways to connect to Her/His Energy.

We should not, Creator forbid, do physical or intellectual violence to any of Creator's children, or the pathway that was created for them. If we can rejoice in Creator's wisdom in creating people with different paths, then, are we not asserting our faith and our submission to His/Her will? In grasping the essence of Reiki, spiritual energy, one is drawn to respect and love the Creator of the universe, and to have compassion for all of Her/His creatures.

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