Monday, March 29, 2010

Concerning Reiki for the Dying

This email was just sent to me, and it is so impressive I had to share this with the permission of the author (Names omitted for privacy).

I am a Reiki Master Teacher, my Spiritual Lineage is 7 Removed. I do Reiki at the "_______"(name omited as per the Author to respect privacy). It has been one of the most incrediable journeys that I walk with these very courageous patients.
My Mom passed in May, and I felt I needed to help make her transition easier as it was difficult for her. So I went on the web and found you and about the Chakra between the third eye and crown..and did that for my mom with Reiki for her breathing as she had been chain stoking..within minutes she had a normal pattern of breathing again and continued until she passed. My Mom and I had often spoke about her angels and how they would be there to greet her..I know for her she was afraid to die as she felt she would have to answer for things she had done to others in her lifetime. I have this lens that fits over the camera that comes from England, it shows Auras..what it captured with my Mom was a white tunnel around is the most amazing pictures..I then knew the realm was with her.
Last week I was asked by a Mom to see her 38yr old son who was actively dying in the hospital..when I arrived he was moaning, fidgeting and his breathing was erratic. Again as I did for my Mom, put my hands between the Crown and 3rd eye chakra. Within minutes he was at ease..I asked if it was okay to share with him what I saw...his mom said yes. I saw his angels around him just waiting for when he was ready and they would wait for as long as he needed..he opened his eyes and said "amazing" his mom asked him what, he said he saw them, she said your angels, he nodded yes and had a very faint smile. His mom stated to me "look how at peace he is now then before you came in"...And so I left knowing that he would be having an easier transition. All my life I have been connected to people who have passed as I give messages. And I see a lot of things, I believe it is because I had my own near death experience when I was a child.

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