Sunday, October 21, 2012

Valerie J. Mann
Mann and Mann Grant Solutions
700 Grason Lane
Fruitland, MD 21826

©Soulfulness With Reiki

The practice of Reiki has enabled me to feel greater depths of gratitude, peace, love, and joy.  These feelings come when I am giving a Reiki treatment, teaching a Reiki class, giving a seminar on Reiki, or talking with traditional health-care providers in order to convince them to integrate alternative therapies into their practice.


To me, this gratitude is a feeling of overwhelming happiness at finding universal life force energy and knowing that it is available to me and everyone else.  It has fulfilled a longing that I have felt throughout most of my life to have an abundant source of energy and love to nurture me.  After talking with many people in the course of my practice, I have found that this feeling is very commonplace.  It has touched me deeply that many of the people who have sought out my assistance feel so tense, anxious, alone, and afraid.  My assessment is that many of these people wish to be protected from the negativity of the world and from those who support it.  More importantly, there is a deep longing to turn this situation around and let joy and peace be dominant. 


When I first began to see how this energy worked, I felt extremely grateful.  It was a deep comfort to my heart.  Just knowing that I am not alone and never will be, and that this energy will always help me has filled me with a sense of relief so profound that it is hard to describe.


The sense of peace that I have developed comes from having the utmost faith in this universal life force energy.  I see it work with great positive results time and time again, proving itself to be an immutable universal law.  Having this sense of confidence and trust in the universe allows me to go about my daily tasks with a sense of serenity and a feeling that everything will really be all right.  This sense of peace is with me not only during the times when I am practicing Reiki, but during all of my daily activities.  To me, Reiki is a way of life. 


I have studied many other therapies and great religious traditions, many of which are based upon the existence of this universal life force energy. This has strengthened the soulfulness I feel with Reiki.  In addition, a number of authors, such as Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton, are letting people know about the scientific experiments which are verifying the existence of this energy.  All of this has come together to increase my faith and thus my peace.


The life force energy channeled in Reiki is available to help everyone.  It is the essence of life.  Since we all are imbued with this essence, we are all brothers and sisters, working with the same energy. Reiki thus shows us that we are much more alike than we are different.  In every person that I teach and treat, I see a reflection of myself.  I see the same hurts, fears, disappointments, joy and love.  The implications of this are enormous.  If we are all one, there is no need to fight wars, commit crimes against one another, or be unkind or selfish. If we act in this fashion, we are being unkind to ourselves.

Please go to Valerie's Blog by clicking the following link:

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